Oshakati Town Council

The Commercial Centre of the North

2019 Office Bearers Re-election

2019 Office Bearers Re-election

Re-election of office bearers on the 16th December 2019

The Oshakati Town Council recently re-elected its office bearers on the 16th December 2019. The Oshakati Town Council is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the CEO is appointed and reports to the Council, which comprise of 7 Political office bearers. The current serving office bearers have been elected into their positions in 2015 and will be serving for a period of 5 years.

His worship the Mayor is looking forward to serving the town for the coming year
Angelus N. Iiyambo

The Political office bearers will be serving council until the coming year 2020. Their newly elected portfolio are as follow: